Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finding Mail

In a previous post, I reported on my interview with Nancy Vale, the widow of Sam Breakstone himself, Michael Vale.

He was much better known for the
Dunkin' Donuts commercials. 
Mrs. Vale ended that conversation with the promise to look around her house and send me some stuff from the Breakstone's campaign.

You laugh.  Today in the mail, I received a package of stuff from the Breakstone's campaign.  Included was a color headshot of Vale as Sam Breakstone, which I have to figure out how to scan.  Also included was his contract with Geers Gross, signed by Michael and the advertising agency.

I will be reviewing these documents and publishing them as the law and respect for Mr. and Mrs. Vale allow.

In the meanwhile, let me publicly thank Nancy Vale for not only helping to keep the memory of her husband alive, but for helping to ensure that his contributions to our understanding of commercial marketing, branding, and long-term brand identity are fully recognized.  I think it will result in smarter consumers, increased honesty in commercial communications, and, ultimately, higher quality products.

Now, who's with me!
This blog never has and never will push any commercial advertising on the reader.  However, the Armenia Tree Project is a charitable organization supported by Nancy Vale, and by Michael during his life.  Watch a short video here and please give generously.

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